Procedure and Provisions for Strike off the Companies

Chapter XVIII of the Companies Act, 2013 provide two way for Removal of Names of Companies From the Registrar of Companies

Vide MCA notification w.e.f. 26th Dec, 2016
On an application by the Companies, (Section 248(2) of the Companies Act, 2013
By Suo-moto of ROC (Sec248(1) of the Companies Act, 2013
A company may after extinguishing all its liabilities, by a special resolution or consent of seventy five (75%) percent members in terms of paid-up share capital, file an application in form STK-2 along with the fee of Rs. 5000/- to the registrar for removing the name of the company from the register of companies on all or any of the ground specified in sub-section (1) of section 248 of the companies Act, 2013.

On receipt of an application registrar issue a public notice pursuant to Rule 4 of the companies (Removal of Name of Companies form Registrar of Companies) Rules, 2016.

Restriction for file an application under section 248(2) of the companies Act, 2013

Company has changed its name or shifted its registered office from one state to another and 3 month hasn’t lapse.

Disposal for value of property or rights held by it, immediately before cesser of trade or otherwise carrying on of business, for the purpose of disposal for gain in the normal course of trading or otherwise carrying on of business and 3 month hasn’t lapse.

Engaged in any other activity except the one which is necessary or expedient for the purpose of making an application under that section, or deciding whether to do so or concluding the affairs of the company, or complying with ant statutory requirement and 3 month hasn’t lapse.

Company has made an application to the Tribunal for the sanctioning of a compromise or arrangement and the matter has not been finally concluded and 3 month hasn’t lapse.

In the process of winding up whether voluntarily or by the Tribunal
If a company has failed to commence its business within one year or its incorporation or,

 A company is not carrying any business or operation for a period of two immediately preceding the financial years and has not made any application within such period for obtaining the status of a dormant company under section 455 of the companies Act, 2013.

Exception of Section 248(1) of the Companies Act, 2013

Listing Company or company in the process of delisting,

Vanishing Company

Companies on which inspection or investigation is pending

Companies whose application of compounding is pending before the competent authority

Companies which have public deposits

Companies having charges which are pending for satisfaction

Section 8 companies.

ROC shall send a notice in Form STK-1 to the company and all the directors of the company, of his intention to remove the name of the company from the register of Companies and requesting them to send their representation along with copies of the relevant documents, if any against the purposed action within a period of 30 days from the date of Notice.

1.      Called a Board Meeting as per section 173 read with SS-1 to pass the Board Resolution for Strike off the Company and authorise any one director of the company to file the application with the Registrar of Companies.

2.      Conduct a General Meeting by passing of Special Resolution or take consent of 75 % share holder in paid up share capital.

3.      File Form MGT-14 if Special Resolution has been passed

4.      An application for removal of name of company under subsection 2 of section 248 shall be made in form STK-2 along with fee of Rs. 5000/-

STK-2 shall be accompanied/attached by the following documents:

a.       Indemnity bond duly authorised by every director in form STK-3.

b.      A statement of Account containing assets and liabilities of the company made up to a day, not more than 30 days before the date of application and certified by a chartered accountant.

c.       An affidavit in form no STK-4 by every director of the company

d.      A copy of the Special Resolution duly certified by each directors of the company or consent of 75 % of the members of the company in term of paid up share capital as on the date of application.

e.      A statement regarding pending litigation, if any (it also can be mentions in affidavit)

f.        Copy of Board Resolution, authorising director for filing of this application

g.      Copy of order of the concerned Regulatory authority, if any approving filing of this application (Banking/Insurance/ NBFC/ Assets Management Company)

Provided that in case of any application made under sub-section 2 of section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 the company shall also place the application on its website, if any, till the disposal of the application.

Consequences of closure of company under section 248(1) or (2) in case of non-filing of Financial Statements and Annual Return for preceding 3 Financial Year

1.      All director of company will disqualified under section 164(2) of the companies Act, 2013;

2.      The officer of Director shall become vacant under section 167(1) because he incurs disqualification under section 164(2) of the Companies Act, 2013;

3.      Contravene the provisions of section 166 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of above document have been prepared on the basis of information of Ministry notification.  Whereas deep care has been taken by author (CS Sanoj Kumar) to ensure the correctness and completeness of the information provided.
                           This is nothing but a knowledge sharing initiative by author and author do not intend to accost any business or profession.


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